What do I need to access to the developer portal?

You just need the url of the developer portal.

What do I need to access as an user?

You can log in as corporate user loging-in into Azure Active Directory with your corporate user (@emeal.nttdata.com) or you just can log-in with user and password if you don't have a corporate user (in this case, you must need to ask for an invitation).

When do I need to log in as an user?

Always, if not you wont see anything.

What is the Azure Integration Services?

Azure Integration Services is Microsoft's iPaaS platform. The 4 products that cover the services just discussed are:

  • API Management, which allows you to publish and manage APIs.

  • Logic Apps, which enables the orchestration of business processes and workflows.

  • Service Bus, which provides reliable business messaging.

  • Event Grid, for event generation and delivery.

These services are individual and independent, so you can use one or more, as needed, and are part of the entire offering provided by Azure, providing immediate and integrated access to any other cloud service needed.


What is iPaaS?

iPaaS are integration platforms as a service, based on the cloud. The 4 main services they should offer are:

  • A way to publish and manage APIs, so that they are accessible from any other software.

  • A simple way to create and execute integration logic for orchestration, providing a graphical tool to define workflow logic.

  • Some way of communicating through messaging (queues), which supports decoupling.

  • Technologies that support event-driven communication.

What is the API Management?

Is the tool to manage the API lifecycle, from their design and creation to their obsolescence and retirement. In addition, to facilitating the publication and management of APIs, the tool provides other solutions:

  • Controlling authentication in API calls, given the importance of security, especially for applications accessible over the public Internet.

  • Limiting the number of API calls, as some of the applications exposing APIs may not be able to handle an unlimited number of requests.

  • Caching of the most frequent requests to ensure fast responses.

  • Monitoring and analysis of API usage to detect trends that may significantly impact the business.

  • Accessible documentation for API developers.

It also allows exposing the REST and SOAP APIs of all types of backend software, regardless of the technology or language used to build that software.

To address all these aspects, API Management uses its 3 main components:

  • API Manager: an administration portal for publishing, monitoring and specifying the necessary details of APIs.

  • API Gateway: a gateway for routing requests.

  • API Portal: portal for developers consuming the APIs.

What is an API?

API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate with each other.

You can add an API in more than one Product.

What is a Product?

Products are the way to present a consistent set of APIs to developers, thus simplifying their management and consumption.

In Azure API Management, products can contain one or more APIs, and can be assigned a quota and terms of use.

Products can be Open or Protected. Protected products require a subscription, while open products can be used without a subscription.

The approval of a subscription is configured at a product level and may require the approval of an administrator.

Where can I find the existing API list?

By following this link.

How can I access to the detail of each API?

Go to the API List, choose te one you are interested in, and press over the API name; this is a link that will navigate to the detail of the API.

How can I test and API?

Go to the API List, choose te one you are interested in, explore in the left side of the page the list of methods existing in the API, select one and press the Try it button, in the rigt side of the sreen.


For testing an operation you will need a subscription key, if you don't have one, you can ask for one by subscribing the product that contains your API.

Where can I find the existing Products List?

By following this link.